Terms and conditions

  1. General

This website is the property of DTD 2009 INC. This site is provided to you "As is" and use of this site signifies your agreement that employment is at your own risk. Although DTD 2009 INC is concerned about the accuracy of the information offered on this web page, it cannot declare or certify the absence of errors or the absolute accuracy of its content at all times. In the event of a problem with the platform, for example, due to viruses, latency, updates or any other difficulty, it is recommended that you stop using the platform. In this sense, you agree not to hold DTD 2009 INC responsible, under any circumstances, for your use of this site. Please note that when you use this platform, you are automatically deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.


  1. Website content

This site offers you content such as text, design, graphics, photos, e-mail addresses, videos, logistics and presentation, the name DTD2009 INC and its logo.  Moreover, these elements are subject to the property rights of DTD 2009 INC. You therefore agree not to distribute the content of this site for any purpose whatsoever.


  1. Online Shopping Terms and Conditions

Please note that orders placed on our platform must be paid including all fees indicated on the platform. In this sense, all the prices presented on this platform are issued in Canadian monetary currency.

  1. Security

It is strictly forbidden to attempt to violate the security of the website for any reason.  Violating this rule or DTD2009 INC's proprietary rights may result in civil or criminal liability.

In addition, if you are aware of any malicious or defamatory behavior towards the platform or the company of DTD2009 INC, please report it. To do so, you may contact customer service at the following number: (514) 316-7675 or by e-mail at [email protected] .



If you would like to send us your comments regarding online shopping, delivery, prices, products or for a simple question, you can contact customer service at the following number: (514) 316-7675 or by e-mail at [email protected] .